Sunday, January 14, 2018

My Reading Profile

I've been an avid reader since I could pick up a book.  Even as a child, when my friends were concerned with the latest and greatest toy on the market, I just wanted to go to the bookstore or the library.  Those places feel like home to me. 

I will read pretty much any genre, but my favorite is thrillers. I love a book that keeps me on edge and guesing as to what the outcome will be. Our textbook describes the thriller genre as books that "move at a rapid pace, driven by danger, their building intensity makes them compelling page turners" (The Readers' Advisory Guide to Genre Fiction, p.73).  This is exactly why I love this type of read.  It hooks me very quickly in the beginning and I just don't want to stop reading!

I'm also very fond of mysteries, suspense, horror, and medical and legal genres.  I spent 18 years working as a paralegal, so the legal realm fascinates me.  At one point in time I wanted to be a nurse, so I believe that is why I am fascinated with medical novels.  I enjoy a romance book from time to time, but it is not a genre I read frequently because I find it ridiculously sappy and unrealistic.  I will admit, however, to reading the Twilight Saga and actually enjoying it.  Don't judge me  lol

Some of my favorite authors include Iris Johanson, Robin Cook, John Grisham, Bentley Little, Stephen King, Lisa Gardner, Mary Kubica and Gillian Flynn.


  1. Melanie, my first genre annotation is for thriller or suspense. I may need to access your reader's advisory services in choosing a book as it is one of my least favorite genres. I'm thinking of Dan Brown's Origin, as I enjoyed the Da Vinci Code despite what I recall as its hokey ridiculousness. Would you recommend it to a lover of historical fiction and an interest in supernatural overtones?

  2. Confession: I also read the Twilight Saga and enjoyed it. Yes, I am aware that the writing is subpar, but I was not going to judge a book until I read it for myself. During the reading, I enjoyed it. It was very easy to read and easy to insert oneself into--but I think we just have to remember and understand some of the ramifications that a book like that has, like its portrayal of relationships and the flatness of the characters. (My writing snob is coming out) There's better writing out there, for sure, but at least people are reading, right?

    Anyway, I think our backgrounds inform our reading habits more than we realize, which you've really touched on here. I like to read a lot of nonfiction essays and short stories because it was what I studied and I work with regularly (outside of the library). It would be interesting to see if what our classmates enjoy has to do with their other interests as well.


Week 16 prompt response

I’m probably really showing my age here, and figure I might very well be the oldest person in this class!  There was absolutely no techn...